
St. Louis Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


If I Don’t Hire An Attorney To Take Care Of My St Louis Traffic Ticket, Will My Car Insurance Really Go Up That Much?

Yes, it will go up quite a bit. And over the long run, you will end up paying out WAY more on auto insurance than you ever would to a St. Louis speeding ticket attorney to get the ticket fixed (especially since our fees for a regular ticket are only…


What Is The Difference Between SIS and SES Probation in St Louis?

$375 FOR MOST ST LOUIS MISDEMEANOR CHARGES While there are many similarities between an SIS and an SES, there are a couple of big differences as well. “SIS” stands for Suspended Imposition of Sentence, and an “SES” stands for Suspended Execution of Sentence. Both involve periods of probation (usually one…


Why Do You Keep Your Fees So Low For St Louis Criminal Defense?

The answer is simple: most people cannot afford to pay a St. Louis criminal defense attorney the types of fees they demand for service. For example, a typical quote of fees for a run-of-the-mill St. Louis marijuana possession can run anywhere between $1,000 and $1,500. And most people just cannot…


Is the State of Missouri Legalizing Marijuana Possession?

No, Missouri is not legalizing marijuana. The state is decriminalizing it. Yes, there is a distinction!! First of all, the possession of marijuana is still (and will continue to be) illegal in Missouri. But recently the state legislature revamped the criminal code to lessen the penalties for some crimes. And…

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